Relics in S11 have been simplified, With only 1 upgrade path you only have to decide when to invest the gold in upgrading it. Obviously, it’s still a big decision at Level 1 and Level 12, Level 1 requires understanding of your god, Ally gods and Enemy gods but Level 12 adds the additional factor of Game state. 
Meditation is the default defensive option for Season 11. It provides healing and CDR reduction to allies on the upgrade. Meditation is great on most guardians that opt for a “peel” playstyle. Use while allies are on low HP for best use.
Horrific Emblem
Horrific emblem is the default aggressive option for season 11. Slowing enemies while reducing their damage allows for you to engage upon them easily. With a lower CD than the peel options you can set the pace of the game.
Magic Shell
With a rework in Season 11, Shell becomes the Anti-Assasin peel relic with a good counter to hard wall comps such as Yemoja and Odin. Shell is best when paired with med for ultimate peel but less good on it’s own. 
Bracer Of Radiance
Bracer remains just as strong as Season 10 with high priority as a 2nd relic at Level 12, Great for low mobility allies to gain a boost to movement speed. Best used around objectives for vision and movement shuffles around them.
Blink on support has always been a staple on some characters such as Ares and Xing Tian. Buy blink if you need to gap close, Usually paired with another aggressive option such as Thorns or Horrific. Unlikely to be useful except on some gods.
Shield Of Thorns
Thorns in Season 11 is BACK. With damage mitigation and a change to the reflect it now serves as a budget aegis. Works very well on gods like Kuzenbo who’s job is to dish out as much damage as possible. Pair with Pridwen if possible.
Teleport Fragment
Teleport is ill-advised in Season 11 with no real potential, You can make some fun plays with it but it serves little purpose as it has 0 teamfight impact besides helping you splitpush.
Beads is always an acceptable option in support, High crowd control comps on gods that don’t want to get involved might need this. Yemoja and some Mages are best served with a defensive option like this.
Aegis Amulet
Aegis might be the worst relic now, The previous upgrade (now on Thorns) was the only reason to build it. I’d recommend building Thorns where Aegis was good last season. 
Heavenly Wings
Heavenly wings merged partially with Frenzy in Season 11, While no fatalis is on the upgrade the team wide attack speed does give it different value. Both a chase down/run away relic alongside a objective/teamfight relic. Good into high slow comps.
Divine Barrier
Barrier’s value has yet to be determined, I have personally found little to no use for it as of now. Have fun experimenting but the “top” players should know how good it is within the first couple of months.
Sundering Spear
Sunder is the 2nd anti-shield option along with Horrific, Best used with gods like Athena and Nox. Best against gods like Odin, Nike and Yemoja. Always pair with a relic dagger + glyph for high use of this item. 
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