Ward map

Normal Ward

Normal Wards are the cheapest wards in SMITE, costing 50g they last for 3 minutes and provide a normal area of vision to your team. Normal wards are best used to get timers on enemy camps and in places of high traffic to spot enemies as often as possible.

Sentry Ward

Sentry wards provide a normal area of vision but additionally reveal enemy wards of all kinds. They are more expensive as they deny vision from the enemy team, this leads them to have the most value where the enemy wants vision the most. Such as, around objectives, lane pathing (aggressive and defensive).

Proximity Ward

Proximity ward is a new kind of ward in Season 11, While mimicing a normal ward it has the added benefit of applying a large AOE slow and revealing enemies after it "explodes". While it can be destroyed after revealing enemies, it might be tough in lower games thus having more value for ambushes.

Raven Ward

Raven ward is the other additional ward in S11, it is a one time use. It throws a raven high in the sky in a straight line for 500 units. It reveals enemys like other wards but is very expensive as a one time use. Only use seems to be for stealing objectives.

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